
Leverhulme Academy Trust

Leverhulme Academy Trust

Scheme of Delegation

A number of decisions are reserved for Members or Trustees in line with their responsibilities for:

  • ensuring that Leverhulme Academy Church of England and Community Trust fulfils its statutory objectives, general functions and duties and appropriately exercises the legal powers vested in it, under Charity Commission and Company law and regulations;
  • determining the overall strategic direction of Leverhulme Trust and its academies within resource limits
  • monitoring the performance of the chief executive, holding him/her to account for the exercise of their delegated powers and delivery
    against plans and budgets
  • promoting and protecting Leverhulme Trust’s values, integrity, and reputation
  • ensuring high standards of governance that command the confidence of members, the sector and the Charity Commission

The majority of operational decisions will be delegated to the chief executive, in line with their responsibilities for managing Leverhulme Trust in accordance with the strategic, planning and budgetary parameters and risk management
strategy, as approved by the board.

This scheme is divided into the following sections:

  • Part A: Table of Delegated Authority: reserved for members / reserved for Trust Board
  • Part B: Financial Levels of Delegated Authority
  • Part C: HR levels of delegated authority
  • Part D: Other Functions

Download a copy of our Scheme of Delegation and Supporting Delegation Controls document below.
